Network scientific journal
Psychosomatics and self-regulation

ISSN 2412-9569

SELECT * FROM jurnal_items_en WHERE namePage = 'PSIHOSOMATIKA_I_SAMOREGULYaTcIYa_44_2015'

Home - > Arhive - > Psychosomatics and Self-regulation N 4(4) 2015 -> Psychosomatic Medicine and Balint Groups - integration of principles and practical reciprocity

Mental disorders in patients with osteoarthritis of large joints
Authors: Alabut A.V., M.D., Sikilinda V.D., M.D., Lubyanko I.A., Golovko R.L.
Keywords: osteoarthritis, anxiety, dep- ression, alexithymia.

A study of patients with endstage gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis with a view to detect the presence of psychopathological symptoms and their possible correlation with disease duration. With the help of a battery of psychological tests revealed dementia, anxiety, depression and alexithymia, as well as their correlation with disease duration. 


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