Network scientific journal
Psychosomatics and self-regulation

ISSN 2412-9569



The journal publishes original articles on the psychological, psychotherapeutic, biological, medical, philosophical and other aspects of the study of psychosomatic and psycho-neurosomatic interrelations in origins and treatment of physical illnesses, theory and practice of psycho-somatotherapy, emotional and physical self-regulation.

In accordance with the nature of research described in articles we receive, they are placed in one of the three sections of the journal.

The section "THEORETICAL RESEARCH AND REVIEWS"  is designated for analyzes, description of researchers’ theoretical constructs (hypotheses, theories, etc.), reviews of theoretical and empirical studies of psychosomatic interrelations.

The "EMPIRICAL RESEARCH" section publishes results of experimental research and systematic observations of authors in the field of psychosomatic interrelations. It is recommended to adhere to the structure of traditional empirical publications for this section. Also includes materials describing specific cases of practice in psycho-somatic therapy and self-regulation that represent particular interest.

In the "INVENTION OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND SELF-REGULATION PRACTICS AND THEIR METHODOLOGICAL RESEARCH" section, descriptions of practical methods and techniques and methods, materials on their theoretical and methodological analysis, the practice of techniques and methods and the study of their effectiveness are published.

"FOR THE AUTHORS" section provides data on each author: official status, academic degree and title, place of work, etc .; information on the main research interests, practical work methods used, etc .; contact information (e-mail, phone number, website).

Articles sent for the journal are subject to an internal review by the editorial board. Not reviewed are works sent by members of the Council of the Eastern European Psychosomatic Society, members of the editorial board, full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences.

Guidelines for manuscripts are currently being finalized.

Section "For the Authors" is subject to further development in the near future.
