Network scientific journal
Psychosomatics and self-regulation

ISSN 2412-9569

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Home - > Arhive - > Psychosomatics and Self-regulation N 3(3) 2015 -> A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES

Psychodiagnostics of psychosomatics and efficiency of self-regulation
Authors: Tabidze Alexander
Keywords: psychosomatic medicine, psycho-diagnostics, test Cattell, self-control, pharmacotherapy, psychocorrection

Summary. A new interpretation of the test Cattell, allows to distinguish between a predisposition to psychosomatic , neurotic and psychotic disorders. The method allows to conclusively demonstrate the results of psychological correction in the case of self- control , and in the case of pharmacotherapy. We introduce a new measure - the degree of psychological maturity of the person. evaluate its tendency to psychogenic illness. 


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