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Home - > Arhive - > Psychosomatics and Self-regulation N 2(6) 2016 Psychosomatics and Self-regulation N 2(6) 2016. File: DownloadTHEORETICAL RESEARCH AND REVIEWSPsychosomatic Medicine and Balint Groups - integration of principles and practical reciprocity Authors: Vinokur V., M.D. Page .......................................................................................... 6 - 9 EMPIRICAL RESEARCH The family influence on the etiopathogenesis of juvenile arthritis Authors: Rogacheva T. V., Ph.D. Page .......................................................................................... 10 - 15 INVENTION OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND SELF-REGULATION PRACTICS AND THEIR METHODOLOGICAL RESEARCH Complex therapy chronic radiculopaty, accompanied emotional disorders, with application of nonmedicamentous methods of treatment Authors: Andreeva G.O., M.D., Emelianov A.U.,M.D Page .......................................................................................... 16 - 25 Actual problems of the clinical psychologist in the system of mandatory health insurance (analysis of practical experience in a hospital environment) Authors: Babaeva S. V., Medik Y. V Page .......................................................................................... 26 - 29 Body-oriented insight-therapy: method's advantages and major strengths Authors: Belokurova M., Arapova E. Page .......................................................................................... 30 - 39 To the structure of psychological treatment of somatic diseases Authors: Khaikin A.V., Ph.D. Page .......................................................................................... 40 - 43 |